
Street Might Be Renamed After Carl’s Jr. Founder

Carl Karcher, founder of Carl’s Jr. restaurants and one of the city’s most famous residents, may soon be getting a lasting tribute: a street named after him.

The Carl Karcher Drive proposal would involve what’s now Romneya Drive, between Harbor Boulevard and Lemon Street--a one-block stretch in front of the company’s corporate headquarters, established in 1976.

The City Council today will consider asking city staff members to contact property owners who would be affected if the street name is changed to honor Karcher, who has lived in Anaheim for almost 49 years. Formal approval of the proposal would be made at a future meeting.


Karcher, 81, who is recuperating from open-heart surgery, said he likes the idea of renaming the street.

“I think it’s exciting after being in business for 57 years,” said Karcher, who started with a hot dog cart and is now chairman emeritus of Carl’s Jr. restaurants.

“It’s a tribute to the corporate family and my personal family,” he said.

In 1945, Karcher and his wife, Margaret, opened their first full-service restaurant, Carl’s Drive-In Barbeque, in Anaheim. In 1956, the first Carl’s Jr. restaurant started serving its hamburgers here.


Councilman Bob Zemel said the name change is a long-overdue honor.

“He’s been a role model for community leaders. This is a guy who has given back more than anyone else I have known my entire life,” said Zemel, who revived the idea. Officials proposed a Karcher street name several years ago, but a neighboring company--no longer in business--opposed the change.
