
Public Summit to Address Underage Drinking

Leaders in city government, education, religious organizations, youth correctional agencies, as well as parents and teens, will participate in a one-day summit to discuss pressures on young people to drink alcohol.

The third annual Youth Summit will be hosted by the Ventura Interfaith Ministerial Assn. on Tuesday at the Ventura Townhouse. Two sessions are scheduled with speakers, youth panels and round-table discussions.

“We are joining a nationwide effort to turn off the tap for teens,” co-chair Marilyn Miller said. “It’s about discovering methods to monitor environments where alcohol is available to youth like parks, home parties and liquor stores who fail to check ID.”


Association members selected the topic after talking to former gang members, police, educators and probation officers, said Emily Habib, manager of the group’s Community Partners for Safer Neighborhoods.

“Part of the purpose [of the summit] is to gather information,” Habib said.

Those attending will also be able to review an eight-page report by the community partners group that outlines Ventura’s youth drinking problem and “hot spots” of activity.

The morning session will be held from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. The evening session is set for 5:30 to 9:30 p.m.


The cost is $15 for adults and $5 for people under 18. Anyone from the community is invited. For more information and reservations, call 650-8711.
