
Pair Shot After Quarrel With Gang

Police on Sunday were investigating the wounding of a man and woman who were hit by gunfire in their residence after arguing with a group of suspected gang members, police said.

The woman was struck twice in the arm and once in the stomach, and the man was hit once in the leg, said LAPD spokesman Mike Partain.

The woman was taken to Holy Cross Medical Center in Mission Hills and the man was transported to the North Hollywood Medical Center, said Los Angeles Fire Department spokesman Brian Humphrey. Both were in stable condition.


The wounded couple, who police refused to identify, were inside their residence in the 7200 block of Beck Avenue on Saturday when several shots were fired from outside about 1:20 a.m., Partain said.

The man and woman do not appear to have any gang affiliations, Partain said.

There were no suspects in custody Sunday, police said.
