
Tracking the Deals

IPO Underwriter Rankings

The following are the top six firms underwriting California-based company IPOs this year as of mid-July based on number of deals.


Total No. of IPO amt., in of avg. Name millions deals gain Deutsche Bank $281.3 6 75.9% BancAmerica R.S. 129.0 5 36.2 Goldman Sachs 430.2 4 139.0 NationsBanc M.S. 170.5 3 12.0 Morgan Stanley 168.9 3 127.9 Hambrecht & Quist 155.0 3 25.6IPO


IPO Indexes

These indexes from IPO Monitor track the market for initial public offerings by measuring the performance of 30 IPOs nationwide and 10 IPOs by California-based companies. A score of 30.9, for example, indicates that shares have risen by a mean of 30.9% from the IPO price. Inktomi’s big run-up has skewed the California scale in recent weeks.



Last week’s IPO conditions

Calif: 46.30 (Exceptional)

U.S.: 17.65 (Strong)

Who’s Raising Money and How

Upcoming Deals

Company: Team Communications

Ticker Symbol: TMTV

City: Los Angeles

Industry: Media

Size, in millions: $10.5

Offering: IPO

Estimated Share Price: $5.50-7

Underwriter: National Securities

Est. week: 7/20


Company: Safeway

Ticker Symbol: SWY

City: Pleasanton

Industry: Grocery

Size, in millions: 1,680.0

Offering: Secondary

Estimated Share Price: 42.75

Underwriter: Morgan Stanley

Est. week: 7/20


Company: Echelon

Ticker Symbol: ELON

City: Palo Alto

Industry: Tech

Size, in millions: 45.0

Offering: IPO

Estimated Share Price: 7-9

Underwriter: NationsBanc Mongomery

Est. week: 7/20


Company: Gary Player Golf

Ticker Symbol: PLYR

City: Santa Maria

Industry: Golf

Size, in millions: 13.6

Offering: IPO

Estimated Share Price: 8

Underwriter: Whale Securities

Est. week: 7/20


Company: Pacer International

Ticker Symbol: PACR

City: Lafayette

Industry: Transport.

Size, in millions: 38.0

Offering: IPO

Estimated Share Price: $11-13

Underwriter: BT Alex. Brown

Est. week: 7/27


Company: Coulter Pharmaceutical

Ticker Symbol: CLTR

City: Palo Alto

Industry: Drug

Size, in millions: 59.0

Offering: Secondary

Estimated Share Price: 29.81

Underwriter: BT Alex. Brown

Est. week: 7/27


Company: Maxtor

Ticker Symbol: MXTR

City: Milpitas

Industry: Tech

Size, in millions: 451.0

Offering: IPO

Estimated Share Price: 8.50-10.5O

Underwriter: Salomon

Est. week: 7/27


Company: Golden State Vintners

Ticker Symbol: VINT

City: Greenbrae

Industry: Wine

Size, in millions: 75.3

Offering: IPO

Estimated Share Price: 16--19

Underwriter: Goldman Sachs

Est. week: 7/27


Company: Del Monte Foods

Ticker Symbol: DLM

City: San Francisco

Industry: Food

Size, in millions: 270.0

Offering: IPO

Estimated Share Price: 16-18

Underwriter: Morgan Stanley

Est. week: 7/27


Company: IDG Books Worldwide

Ticker Symbol: IDBG

City: Foster City

Industry: Publishing

Size, in millions: 50.0

Offering: IPO

Estimated Share Price: TBA

Underwriter: Morgan Stanley

Est. week: 7/27


Company: Presidio Golf Trust

Ticker Symbol: GOF

City: San Francisco

Industry: Real estate

Size, in millions: 130.0

Offering: REIT

Estimated Share Price: 19-21

Underwriter: Salomon

Est. week: 8/3


Company: Troy Group

Ticker Symbol: TROY

City: Santa Ana

Industry: Printing

Size, in millions: 17.0

Offering: IPO

Estimated Share Price: 7-9

Underwriter: Cruttenden Roth

Est. week: 8/3


Company: GeoCities

Ticker Symbol: GCTY

City: Santa Monica

Industry: Tech

Size, in millions: 74.2

Offering: IPO

Estimated Share Price: TBA

Underwriter: Goldman Sachs

Est. week: 8/10

Recent IPOs

Company: Inktomi

Ticker Symbol: INKT

City: San Mateo

Industry: Tech

Size, in millions: $36.0

Date: 6/10

Share price on 7/17: $67.50

Pct. change: +275.0%

Underwriter: Goldman Sachs


Company: NetGravity

Ticker Symbol: NETG

City: San Mateo

Industry: Tech

Size, in millions: 27.0

Date: 6/12

Share price on 7/17: 21.88

Pct. change: +143.1

Underwriter: BancAmerica R.S.


Company: Restoration Hardware

Ticker Symbol: RSTO

City: Eureka

Industry: Retail

Size, in millions: 52.8

Date: 6/19

Share price on 7/17: 36.50

Pct. change: +92.1

Underwriter: Goldman Sachs


Company: MIPS Technologies

Ticker Symbol: MIPS

City: Mountain View

Industry: Tech

Size, in millions: 17.5

Date: 6/30

Share price on 7/17: 15.25

Pct. change: +8.9

Underwriter: Deutsche Bank


Company: Aurora Foods

Ticker Symbol: AOR

City: San Francisco

Industry: Food

Size, in millions: 259.0

Date: 6/25

Share price on 7/17: 22.00

Pct. change: +4.8

Underwriter: Goldman Sachs


Company: Hines Horticulture

Ticker Symbol: HORT

City: Irvine

Industry: Nursery

Size, in millions: 56.1

Date: 6/23

Share price on 7/17: 11.13

Pct. change: +1.2

Underwriter: Lehman Bros.


Sources: IPO Monitor, Securities Data, IPO Financial Network
