
Politically Incorrect and Hardly Run-of-the-Mill

Thanks for the article on Bill Maher (“Wicked Wit of the West,” by Michael J. Ybarra, June 14). He’s a complicated man, one not easily pigeon-holed. He’s certainly not the King of Nice, but he does host the most interesting talk show around. I don’t always agree with him, but he is always engaging and presents a forum for more than just pushing the latest Hollywood product.

Linda E. Zupan



Maher doesn’t need a puff piece; he needs a psychiatrist. His deep hostilities toward women are obvious. Of course, Jay Leno is just as bad. Perhaps I should turn off the tube and get to sleep early.

Sharon P. Murphy

Huntington Beach


Regarding the Wicked Wit of the West: Would that be half-, dim- or nit-?

Shayne Hood



Ybarra says of Maher: “He also styles himself as a moralist, a libertarian Bob Bennett . . . .” I believe Ybarra is confusing Bob Bennett with Bennett’s brother Bill, who brought us the “Book of Virtues.” Brother Bob wants to keep Clinton’s book of vices from us.


Judith B. Herman

Rancho Palos Verdes
