
Cape Cod Will Be Site of Septic System Experiment

Associated Press

Cape Cod’s Massachusetts Military Reservation will soon be the site of an experimental septic system project that could benefit the environment, as well as save consumers billions of dollars.

By August, six manufacturers will install the experimental systems, at their own expense. They hope to identify which septic systems work best with different soil types and locations.

The site is designed to control as many factors as possible, while testing new methods of filtering and processing.


Backers of the project say new septic systems are badly needed to end pollution from nitrogen, phosphorus and viruses that go untreated by conventional septic systems.

Half the nitrogen that leads to algae blooms, fish kills, and “closed to shellfishing” and no-swimming signs along the coast is from failing and inadequately maintained private septic systems.

The experiment was made possible by a $359,000 EPA grant.
