
Campaign Finance Reform

Linda Parks spends all her time accusing others of lack of integrity. A recent council meeting was another example of this as she sought to bushwhack the campaign finance reform committee. She should be concentrating on her own integrity.

As the old saying goes, “People in glass houses--or those with criminal defense attorneys at the taxpayers’ expense--shouldn’t throw stones.” It seems Parks is trying to cover her own misdeeds by attacking others. She would have a lot more time to do the job we elected her for if she would just tell the truth and concentrate on her own performance. Her personal vendettas are clouding her judgment, and the town is paying the price.


Westlake Village

* In response to Campaign Finance Reform Chairman Jim Bruno’s contention that they found no evidence of corruption but for whatever reason there is the appearance of corruption, there is a very simple reason.


Elois Zeanah and Linda Parks were not interested in campaign finance reform. They were only interested in perpetuating that perception of corruption, as one could plainly see from their cross-examination of Bruno and their personal attacks on Council member Andy Fox. Parks and Zeanah have started every rumor in this town on corruption and continue to try to spread this myth even though, as Bruno and Craig Steel, the attorney advising the committee repeatedly said, there was no corruption.

Parks and Zeanah continued to try to get them to say something negative about Fox, and were clearly displeased at the committee’s report that stated that every single current council member has taken developer money, and that is not illegal. I commend Bruno for standing up to Parks and Zeanah. Parks and Zeanah are always on a witch hunt of some sort or another; using campaign finance reform for this purpose was an abuse of the committee members’ time and efforts.


Thousand Oaks
