
Arts Donation

It was wonderful to read about the generosity of businessman Fred Kavli to the Thousand Oaks Alliance for the Arts. To share his success in such a civic-minded way is inspiring. (“Theater Produces Big Donation,” July 9.)

I often wish people with wealth would think of our county libraries when deciding where to direct their philanthropy. The libraries have had a few very generous donations from the estates of people who loved libraries and books, and these have been so helpful.

With public funds at an all-time low and services and collections far below standard, our libraries could use a new Andrew Carnegie. Providing information and cultural enrichment to all ages, the public libraries have been taken for granted and neglected and would be a very worthwhile cause for a philanthropist to champion.


I don’t know if it is widely known that individuals or corporations who want to make large donations to the county library can contribute to the Ventura County Library Fund managed by the Ventura County Community Foundation (988-0196). All donations are completely tax deductible.

How about some new saviors for our public libraries?


Port Hueneme


In regards to the July 9 article on the $2.5-million donation made to the Thousand Oaks Civic Arts Plaza by Kavlico Corp. founder Fred Kavli, I find it particularly interesting that he is considered such a great benefactor to the community for donating a large sum to an organization that primarily attracts upper-class and upper-middle-class patrons.

What about the hundreds of people working for Kavlico who are making $6 an hour with no benefits? Like most American corporate barons, his success is built on the backs of cheap labor. Instead of giving this enormous sum to an organization that will aggrandize him by putting his name on its theater, what about parceling it out to his loyal employees who toil for low wages while he lives in palatial splendor in Santa Barbara?


Is the real reason he came to America from Norway because this country doesn’t offer its workers the benefits of a socialist country or have the high tax structure prevalent throughout Europe?

Ronald Reagan and George Bush declared war on the unions and effectively destroyed their clout. Unless the workers once again unite and demand that the obscene gap between the rich and poor is diminished, corporate barons will continue to ignore the people who make them rich and give their money to self-aggrandizing causes.


Simi Valley
