
Pierce College Farm

Thank you for your editorial regarding the Pierce College farm (“Lessons From the Field,” July 5). It’s well said!

We feel that saving such a unique educational facility should be top priority.


Woodland Hills


Having been a Pierce College supporter for many years, I was angered by The Times’ attitude toward farm supporters. According to The Times, farm supporters spend their time yearning for open space and warm, fuzzy remembrances of the past, or they’re picketing and opposing development plans. And they don’t think like farmers either. The condescending tone of the editorial toward farm supporters, who actually include real farmers, grossly minimizes efforts they have made to preserve, modernize and fund the farm and agricultural education programs.

Farm supporters come from communities throughout the Los Angeles area, the agricultural industry, all levels of education and from agricultural and environmental agencies and organizations.


In spite of the efforts farm supporters have made over the years, no Pierce president has taken the initiative to bring all stakeholders to the table to fully address issues surrounding the future of the farm and agricultural education programs, including strengthening the college’s connections to agricultural programs of the University of California and Cal State University systems. If Pierce’s current president, Dr. Bing Inocencio, won’t take the initiative, then we, the stakeholders, must. This kind of collaborative effort can and will ensure that the farm continues to serve the needs of students and the public into the 21st century.



Coalition to Save the Farm

Woodland Hills
