
Listen to the Pilots Groups on El Toro

* I was particularly surprised and disappointed that supporters of the proposed airport at El Toro were able to manipulate both radio and newspapers.

On July 2, a small band of pro-airport pilots, led by former Newport Beach mayor John Hedges, staged a press conference calling the proposed airport at El Toro “safe.” This press conference was clearly a diversionary tactic intended to confuse the public, since these pro-airport forces knew that the Air Line Pilots Assn. was going to release a letter the following day, stating the contrary.

ALPA represents over 50,000 airline pilots! The sad part is that the press got suckered into reporting this information as if it were gospel.


These desperate tactics by pro-airport individuals only insult the intelligence of Orange County citizens when they find out the truth. We are continually being fed a dose of lies ranging from noise levels to traffic studies to pollution levels and actual costs of building this proposed airport.

Fortunately, an election is coming up in November. Candidates representing all parts of Orange County, such as George Gallagher (for Irvine City Council), Dave Sullivan (for Orange County supervisor) and Pat Bates (for state Assembly) are staunch airport opponents. It is time to exercise our rights and get rid of those who are dishonest about the airport at El Toro. Hopefully, next time the press will see that the real story is about deception by pro-airport individuals.



* Re: “Report Says El Toro Runway Plan Is Sound,” July 3:

When I board an aircraft, my life is literally in the hands and judgment of the pilot, not the mayor or council members of Newport Beach.


Those with a modicum of sense will place their faith in the Air Line Pilots Assn. and Allied Pilots Assn., not in retired pilots, most of whom no longer have flight safety responsibilities, any more than the Orange County Board of Supervisors or the airport planning staff.

Supervisors Todd Spitzer and Tom Wilson and candidate Dave Sullivan recognize the element of safety at stake in this plan.



* I am age 81 and a resident of Leisure World, Laguna Hills. My neighbors and I are devastated by the thought of living under the flight pattern of a commercial airport at El Toro.


This airport will take away the quality of life for 18,000 elderly people. In addition, it will remove future affordable housing for our baby boomers. Leisure World has 13,000 units of housing with a median price of $86,000. Five percent are priced at $300,000 and above, while some units are available as low as $30,000.

The proposal of this airport location is an example of man’s inhumanity to man. Our elected officials have more than a financial responsibility to consider, especially when there is available open space. It would be an unconscionable sin and a shame to ruin this affordable housing for those age 55 and above.


Laguna Hills
