
Don’t Glorify Criminals

Every so often, we get a mistaken idea that the combined media are finally trying to do their jobs in an ethical mode, i.e. putting the news in its proper perspective.

Part of this attempt at [improving] is not giving excess space and time to moral degenerates just to increase circulation and audience levels. The Cosby murder case and an article in your Metro section of July 12 (“Markhasev: From Honor Student to Killer”) destroyed any progress made.

At the top of Page 1 is not one but two pictures of a killer. Much of the article’s content deals with his immigrant status and struggles in school and on the street. It also stresses his scholarly achievements. Not nearly enough deals with the fact that he is a cold-blooded killer.


In contrast, farther down the page, is a much smaller article with an insufficient photo of a true hero, lifeguard Adam “AJ” Summers. Here is a person truly to be proud of, who dedicated his all too short a life to helping, not killing, his fellow humans. His story rates an extensive article and photograph. Instead, we get a glorification of a lowlife murderer.


Garden Grove
