
Billie Hughes; Recorded ‘Welcome to the Edge’

Billie Hughes, 50, singer and songwriter best known for his recording of “Welcome to the Edge.” A native of Texas, Hughes started playing the violin as a child and later turned down a scholarship to the Boston Conservatory of Music to study at Abilene Christian College. After beginning his recording career with the group Lazarus, Hughes went solo in 1978 with “Dreammaster.” He toured extensively and recorded from Japan to Europe, where his single “Martin Eden” was a hit. In 1983, Hughes teamed up with lyricist Roxanne Seeman to record, produce and write songs for film, television and records. In 1991, his “Welcome to the Edge” remained on the Billboard top 10 for four months and earned an Emmy nomination as best original song from its use in the television series “Santa Barbara.” The next year, Hughes performed at the Japanese Grand Prix and earned its single of the year award for the Japanese version of the song. Hughes was twice nominated for an Emmy. On July 3 in Los Angeles of a heart attack.

Zoe Karelli; Greek Feminist Poet

Zoe Karelli, 96, pioneering feminist poet in Greek literature. Karelli began her prolific writing career in 1935 with a short story. She went on to publish a dozen collections of poetry, four plays, several essays and a number of short stories. She also translated much of the work of T.S. Eliot and James Joyce into Greek. Born Chrisoula Argiriadou in Salonica, Greece, she and her brother, Nikos Gabriel Pentziki, helped create a new movement in Greek literature known as the Salonica School. She received the highest honors awarded by the Greek state and was considered for a Nobel Prize in literature. On Thursday in Salonica.

Martha Stewart Robinson; Law Professor, Poet

Martha Stewart Robinson, 84, law professor and children’s poet. A native of Topeka, Kan., Robinson attended Washburn College there, as well as Stanford Law School. She worked for many years as an attorney with the state committee advising California Superior Courts on jury instructions. From 1969 until her retirement in 1989, Robinson taught at Loyola Law School in Los Angeles. During her retirement, she turned to writing and recently published a book of children’s poetry, “The Zoo at Night.” On Sunday in Carmel of pneumonia.


Haile Woldemichael; Ethiopian Church Pastor

Haile Woldemichael, 52, founder and first pastor of the Ethiopian Christian Fellowship Church of Los Angeles. The church, which serves an estimated 40,000 Ethiopian expatriates in Los Angeles, was the first Ethiopian church in the United States. Woldemichael, an official during the reign of former Emperor Haile Selassie, was one of the first full-time evangelists in Ethiopia and a founding member of its Mulu Wongel Church. In 1989, Woldemichael left the Los Angeles church to travel, establish churches and provide leadership training in other Ethiopian communities around the world. On Sunday in Ethiopia of apparent heart failure.
