
Picnicking and the Bowl

In reading Mark Swed’s July 13 review of Gershwin night at the Hollywood Bowl (“Hard Charging Diminishes the Bowl’s Gershwin Night”) I was surprised and dismayed to find that John Mauceri and his beloved Hollywood Bowl Orchestra had to exert such force and effort to bring Gershwin to the “frivolous weekend picnickers who no longer separate dinner party and performance.” I thought the music was wonderful and the renditions superior, but that may be the veal chop and red wine talking.

Mr. Mauceri should be commended for his unfailing enthusiasm in bringing culture, such as Gershwin, to the great unwashed masses of Southern California.

Personally, from someone who can’t tell pate from a Dodger dog, I appreciate the “emphatic” and “bombastic” conducting. It keeps me awake. Why, after all that “picnicking,” how can anyone be expected to stay awake through an entire concert?


All of this said, I shall continue to haul myself and my frivolous picnic basket up the hill and enjoy many more glorious nights of wonderful music at the Bowl.


Beverly Hills
