
Flooding Woes to Dry Up After Street Project

It’s draining work, but somebody has to do it.

Crews tearing up Ventura roads as part of a $1.5-million street maintenance project are also attempting to ensure that motorists won’t have to slosh through the often-flooded intersection of Thompson Boulevard and California Street next winter.

A $50,000 culvert, double the size of its predecessor, is being installed to alleviate what officials call a “chronic flooding problem.”

Crews are rushing to complete the entire project, which involves resurfacing portions of Harbor and Thompson boulevards and Santa Clara and Chestnut streets, by month’s end.


“This is the big project that basically finishes the resurfacing of the streets in the downtown area,” said Bob Zastrow, senior civil engineer with the city. “All the paving will be done prior to the fair.”

The Ventura County Fair begins Aug. 5.
