
Pint-Sized Punch Lines

How come the astronauts couldn’t go to the moon? Because it was full. (Daniel Rojas, 10, South El Monte, Dean L. Shively School)

* What kind of car does Mickey Mouse drive? A Minnie van. (Sarah Porzucki, 9, Torrance, Towers Elementary)

* What kind of fin isn’t on a fish? A muffin. (Michael Tong, 6, Trabuco Canyon, Westpark Montessori)


* What is worse than a giraffe with a sore throat? A centipede with sore feet. (Brittany Herman, 10, Santa Clarita, Valley View Elementary)

* What is a car filled with water? A car pool. (Julian McDuffie, 6, Los Angeles, Pilgrim School)

* What do you call a lazy skeleton? Lazy Bones. (Willa Nasatir, 9, Santa Monica, Canyon Charter School)


* KIDS, GOT A JOKE? Send it to Pint-Sized Punch Lines by fax, (213) 237-0732, or mail, Life & Style, Los Angeles Times, Times Mirror Square, Los Angeles, CA 90053. Print (or type) your full name, age, hometown and school. Please note that we try to avoid jokes we’ve published before. And please be patient.
