
My Favorite Weekend

Shari Belafonte, who joins the rest of the “Babylon 5” cast Sunday in TNT’s “Thirdspace: A Babylon 5 Adventure.”

Golf Escape: My husband, Sam Behrens [an actor on “Sunset Beach”] and I are big into golf, so we like to head out of town to golf resorts like the Marriot Desert Inn in Palm Springs. We begin the weekend with a fabulous big dinner that includes lemon drops or champagne. I can’t have too many though, because I have to wake up early to tee off.

On the Green: I’m not that competitive. What I really like is walking the course. Usually I play about 46 holes in the same time everyone else hits 18. My average score is 120. I have just enough brilliant shots to suck me in for more. When I get bored, I go to the bar for more food and champagne. Sam plays golf the next day and I do the spa.


Picture Perfect: I love being home and puttering around outside the house, especially because we have a stereo system that plays music outdoors. My hobby is photography. I take tons of pictures. I have lenses from a 14-mm to macro lenses, and lots of color filters. Our gardener does a great job, so I have plenty of bugs to take pictures of!

Eating Habits: We go out to dinner a lot. I cook maybe four times a year. I love Pinot Bistro in the Valley and Pinot Hollywood, where they have a great wine tasting menu. La Pergola and Posto are favorites for Italian.

Home Improvements: I tell people there are only three Jewish carpenters in the world: Jesus, Joseph and now, my husband. It took him a year, but he built our entire kitchen. He put in all the fancy drawer pulls, the works! Now he’s working on my office.


Doggie Paddle: We play with our dogs a lot. Barnaby and Henry are Yorkshire terriers, and Dave is a 17-year-old golden retriever. We have a half-acre of land so they can run around a lot. They also get time in our swimming pool.

Sneaker Creature: I very rarely buy new clothes, unless I need something for a special occasion. What I do have is sneakers. At one point I had 57 pairs, some from 20 years ago. I have Reeboks from the 1980s. I even have a pair of high-tops that were painted for me. They have this snake, Cleopatra thing going on. Plaid Keds were the first sneakers I ever had, and I lived in them! I must have been 4 or 5 years old when I got them. I was such a tomboy. I still am.
