
The Times to Launch National Edition This Fall

The Times this fall will launch a national edition designed to give readers in Northern and Central California and on the East Coast a more timely and complete version of the newspaper.

The new edition will carry The Times’ full daily file of national, foreign and state stories; the editorial pages; some coverage of Southern California; a complete business section, including stock tables; a sports section; and stories from the Calendar, Life & Style, Health and Food sections.

Sunday editions will carry a main news section and sections devoted to sports and business news, along with existing Sunday sections including Calendar, the Book Review, the Los Angeles Times Magazine, the Opinion section, Travel and Life & Style.


Creation of the edition is part of a broad effort to significantly increase the newspaper’s circulation, which now stands at 1,095,007 daily and 1,385,373 on Sunday.

In effect, The Times will be consolidating its Northern California and Washington editions into an improved newspaper that carries later news.

At present, copies of The Times that circulate in Northern California are printed early each evening in Los Angeles and are trucked to a handful of locations in the San Francisco and Sacramento areas. The new edition will be printed in Northern California and thus will be available to more readers with later news.


The new edition also will be printed and circulated on the East Coast each day. It will replace The Times’ Washington Edition, a 24-page Monday-through-Friday version of the newspaper now printed in Maryland.
