
Homeless Vets Event at Ventura College

Ventura College will host its sixth effort to help homeless veterans from Ventura, Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo and Los Angeles counties July 24-26.

The annual event, christened “Stand Down,” military terminology for moving from a combat to a secure situation, will be held at the college football field.

During the three-day relief effort, homeless veterans will live on campus in military-style tents and have access to lockers and showers. Working with dozens of public and private agencies, Stand Down 1998 will provide meals, medical attention, legal help and other services.


“This is an opportunity to help homeless veterans break the cycle of homelessness,” said Claire Hope, chairwoman.

Some of Stand Down 1998’s special needs include men’s new underwear, white socks and blue jeans, large-quantity bulk food items to feed up to 500 people, or cash to apply toward food or clothing. For information, call 648-8947.

Veterans may preregister at social service agencies, Employment Development Departments and American Legion posts. For further information, call 648-8976.
