
Term Limits

How stupid can we be? George Skelton’s Capital Journal (July 2) reveals the answer to that question mercifully without telling us straightaway. He points out Assembly Speaker Anthony Villaraigosa, recently selected for that post by his Democratic peers after serving 3 1/2 years, has only 2 1/2 years left under California’s initiative-driven law that limits terms of assemblymen to six years.

It undoubtedly takes time and seasoning to become a “good” assemblyman. About the time Villaraigosa learned the ropes of his basic post to serve the needs of his constituents, he was elevated to the speakership. About the time it takes to become a “good” speaker, he will be forced to say “aloha” to his legislative career. Once again, we discover that the initiative process comes back all too often to bite us on the backside. I think I now know how stupid we can be.


