
Traveler’s Notes . . .

Law enforcement officers get a free ride on the Grand Canyon Railway, which runs daily from Williams, Ariz., to Grand Canyon National Park, throughout July. To arrange free coach fare (normally $49.50 round-trip), officers must reserve in advance and show their badges on arrival at the Williams Depot; telephone (800) THE TRAIN. . . . The Channel Islands National Park Visitor Center in Ventura now offers 30-minute video broadcasts at 2 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays, of sea urchins, fish and other wildlife off Anacapa Island. Information: (805) 658-5730. . . . Think you spend a lot on vacations? America’s most affluent households (net worth over $5 million) spent an average of $34,300 on vacations in the last year--or about $798 per day (43 days total), according to a survey by the Management Resource Group Inc. of Miami and Decision Resource.
