
Who’s the Nuisance?

I haven’t been so disheartened by the tone of a newspaper article in a long time as I was when I read yours on the trouble with wildlife nuisances (“Bogus Critter Ridders,” June 21).

At a time when it’s becoming increasingly clear that we have to find ways to live in harmony with nature and all its creatures if we are going to be able to survive on this planet for any extended period of time, your article was a frightening reminder of the arrogance we have as humans to expect that we can encroach on their territory and then be irritated that the “pesky wildlife” insists on hanging around.

As a Los Angeles resident, I welcome the visits by the “pesky wildlife” you speak of, such as when opossums come out, or a flock of 40 to 50 crows circles wildly and then perches on the phone wires over our yard in a deafening chatter for 10 minutes, or deer nibble the leaves off of trees or when we’re lucky enough to get a glimpse of a coyote.


I’m so thankful to have an unexpected injection of “real life” here in a city where it’s easy to forget what’s real. I hope to God that I never care more about the paint job on my truck than the wonder of watching birds roost.

I, for one, will be skipping your upcoming column in favor of taking my little boy out into the woods (or our backyard for that matter) and teaching him what beauty really is through the wonder of nature.

Vive la “pesky wildlife”!


Los Angeles


I’m delighted to see there will be [a new column] for just these kinds of problems.

I work as a deputy for Los Angeles City Councilman Joel Wachs in the foothill area of District 2--Sunland, Tujunga, Shadow Hills, La Tuna Canyon, Lake View Terrace.


All these areas abut either the San Gabriel or the Verdugo mountains and are surprisingly rural, agricultural and/or equestrian, while also containing standard residential tracts.

Since the Department of Animal Regulation lost its one and only wildlife officer, there has really been no place to turn to for accurate information and assistance on complaints about ground and tree squirrels, raccoons and snakes.


Via e-mail
