
Casualties at Border

Re “Give Some Coyotes a Break,” Opinion, July 5: I am always surprised when The Times runs columns blaming the U.S. for immigrants who die trying to cross the border illegally. Any loss of life is painful to each of us. But when Michael Huspek talks about our “causal role” in these deaths, he shows a staggering lack of logic.

The U.S. sends a clear message: that these immigrants are breaking the law, that what they are doing is dangerous, and ultimately, that every country has the right to self-determination. If someone goes ahead in the face of these clear messages, they must take responsibility for their actions.

Blaming America for the dangers of illegal immigration is like blaming a homeowner when a burglar falls during a break-in. A more responsible approach would be to discourage illegal activity in the first place.


TIM TRUBY, Los Angeles
