
Alarcon, Katz and Ethnicity

Prior to the mudslinging primary campaign of Richard Katz and Richard Alarcon for the 20th state Senatorial District, I had little idea of how the two candidates stood on issues that affect all residents of the Valley. This still holds true.

Even more troubling is the degree to which the campaign has now degenerated into a fight between ethnic groups. For example, the San Fernando Valley chapter of the Mexican American Political Assn. has expressed the view that some voters feel that an attack on Alarcon is an attack on all Latinos (Letters to the Valley Edition, July 5).

It would seem that at this point that it no longer is relevant if Katz and Alarcon make peace, as the real focus is and will continue to be race / ethnicity as the criteria for the candidates. At no point that I am aware of has either candidate tried to place the focus on their differences on issues, if any, other than ethnic allegiances. In this sense Los Angeles is the ultimate loser, as the same deep social divisions that led up to the L.A. riots will continue to be reinforced. This is inevitable as long as leaders focus on group labels rather than concerns that are broader than some kind of hyphenated identity.


BOB McKAY, Van Nuys


This is in reply to your editorial of July 3 (“Katz Should Accept Apology”) and Xavier Flores’ letter of July 5, which attempted to exonerate Alarcon of any wrongdoing in the recent campaign.

Yes, there was an apology of sorts from Alarcon. However, in the apology I read in the newspaper, he continued to take no personal responsibility or express any remorse for the malicious lies. I am really confused; exactly what is Alarcon sorry about?

I am neither Latina nor Jewish, my only label is “registered Democrat” for 48 years. I live in a mixed neighborhood and get along just fine with all of my neighbors. There had never been any racial or religious tension until Alarcon began his “us-versus-them” campaign. His tactics, from petty illegalities to blatant lies and immature denial of any responsibility, have perverted what was an invigorating diversity into an ugly divisiveness.


To Alarcon, thanks a lot. You have brought East L.A. to our little corner of the Valley and put a price tag on all of us. Don’t count on my vote. The Libertarian Party is looking better and better!



I just had to laugh when reading the statement by James Acevedo (a former administrative assistant to then-Assemblyman Katz and now a consultant on the campaign of Alarcon) in “Alarcon-Katz Vote Shows a Divided Valley” (July 5): “If we had targeted one ethnic group over another, we would have lost the campaign. . . . I don’t know why people don’t see that.”

Gee, I guess that Acevedo must have forgotten about that . . . mailer sent out by state Sen. Richard Polanco--sent out only to Latino voters--on behalf of Alarcon.


