
Camarillo Scholar Given Watson Fellowship

* Brad Carrick of Camarillo is among 60 graduating university students selected from 51 liberal arts colleges to receive a Watson Fellowship, which provides for one year of independent study and travel abroad.

Carrick graduated summa cum laude from Colgate University with a double major in international relations and Asian studies, and is also a graduate of Mesa Union High School. Carrick will travel to China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore and Thailand to examine business culture.

Rockwell Trust Donates to Cal Lutheran

* The Rockwell Trust donated two gifts totaling $4,000 to Cal Lutheran University.

The Women’s Resource Center received $1,500 to support its reentry program. An additional $2,500 will be designated to support programs in the math, physics and computer science department.


The Rockwell Science Center, a corporate research laboratory, is in Thousand Oaks.

Moorpark Chamber Honors 2 Graduates

* Two Moorpark High School graduating seniors received scholarships from the Moorpark Chamber of Commerce.

Genevieve Dugay’s award was funded in full by G.I. Rubbish Co., and Laura Marlier’s award was funded by several contributions made by chamber members. Dugay will pursue a career in medicine at UCLA. Marlier plans to study law at Stanford University.

Awards and Honors is compiled by Rodney Bosch. Please address items to Awards and Honors, Los Angeles Times, 93 S. Chestnut St., Ventura 93001. Items can also be faxed to The Times at 653-7576 or 653-7548.
