
Police, City Agree on 30-Month Contract

Police officers and city officials have agreed to a 30-month contract that provides for a 9% pay raise over the term of the agreement.

The City Council on Tuesday will consider approving the contract, which affects about 367 officers.

Anaheim Police Assn. members this week voted to accept the contract, effective Friday--when the union’s three-year contract expired--through Jan. 18, 2001.


Under the contract, officers will receive pay increases of 3.5% in October; 2% in July 2000; and 3.5% in January 2001.

Police union president Bruce Bottolfson said officers are “satisfied for now” with the contract.

“The reality is, is that [city] revenues are pretty thin right now,” Bottolfson said.

The meeting begins at 5 p.m. in the council chambers, 200 S. Anaheim Blvd. Information: (714) 765-5166.
