
Adult B’nai Mitzvah Ceremony

Culminating a yearlong course, 11 adults from Congregation B’nai Emet in Simi Valley will celebrate with a B’nai Mitzvah at 4 p.m. today.

During the year, the participants learned to read Hebrew and chant Hebrew prayers and studied Jewish history.

In today’s service, the group will lead the congregation in prayer and song, then bless and chant a portion of the Torah.


For more information on the special service or B’nai Emet, call 581-3723. The celebration will be at the synagogue, 4645 Industrial St., No.2-C.

New Sunday Mass Schedule

* A new Sunday Mass schedule has been announced by Msgr. Joseph George for St. Paschal Baylon Catholic Church in Thousand Oaks.

Effective today, the schedule is: Saturday vigil--5:30 p.m.; Sunday Mass--7:30, 9 and 10:45 a.m.; 12:15 p.m. in Spanish and 5:30 p.m.


The new schedule will remain in effect through the summer. The daily Mass schedule of 6:30 and 8:15 a.m. remains unchanged.

St. Paschal Baylon is at 155 E. Janss Road. For more information, call 496-0222.

Church to Bless Cornerstone

* A cornerstone for an addition to Our Lady of Guadalupe Church in Santa Paula will be blessed with a Mass beginning at 10 a.m. today.

Father Nelson Trinidad will be joined by other priests and Bishop Thomas Curry for the ceremony.


The church was built in the 1920s through fund-raising efforts and a grant from Joseph Thille. Parishioners volunteered their labor to complete the church.

The addition will double the church’s size. It will be made of stone to match the existing building.

The church is at 427 N. Oak St. For information, call 525-3716.

Nightly Bible School Planned

* Emmanuel Lutheran Church of Ventura invites children ages 3 to 17 to sign up for its nightly vacation Bible school. The free program runs from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. this Sunday through Friday.

Called “Sonlight Island,” the week will feature a nightly production of Bible concepts, teachings about Jesus, and “music and laughter,” pastor Ronald Dyvbig said.

Emmanuel Lutheran is at 8699 Henderson Road. For details on the Bible school, call the church at 659-3318.

Teenreach Production in Ventura

* Teenreach will perform “Miracles From the Hood” at the Ventura Love International Outreach Fellowship at 9:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. Sunday.


The Rev. Bobby Torres, who founded the Teenreach ministry, is committed to helping gang members. Based in Scottsdale, Ariz., Torres works with churches and community groups in helping youthful offenders.

Free child care is available at each service. For more information, call 647-5463. Love International Outreach Fellowship is at 1620-A Mesa Verde Ave.

Classes on Catholic Faith Offered

* Inquiry classes for the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults will begin at St. Anthony’s Church in Oxnard at 10:30 a.m. Sunday.

The classes are for people interested in learning about the Catholic faith or completing preparations for receiving the sacrament of First Holy Communion.

Call Sister Karen Wilhelmy at 483-7301 for registration and further information.

Masses are Saturday at 5:15 p.m. and Sunday at 7:30, 9, and 10:30 a.m. in English, and at noon and 1:30 p.m. in Spanish.

St. Anthony’s is at 2511 South C St.

Temple Sisterhood to Host Brunch

* A brunch will be held by the Jewish Families of Camarillo-Temple Ner Ami Sisterhood on Sunday.


The temple’s new rabbi, Kenneth Milhander, will attend.

Call Sisterhood president Jean Shev at 484-8106 for more details on the 10 a.m. event.

On Aug. 23, a wine and cheese reception and open house will officially introduce Rabbi Milhander to the community. The reception will begin at 3:30 p.m. at the temple, 4098 Calle Tesoro, Suite D.

For more information, call the temple at 388-3824.

Worship Conference at CLU

* Cal Lutheran University in Thousand Oaks will host a regional worship conference of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America from Wednesday through July 18.

The conference, supported by a grant from the Lutheran Brotherhood Foundation, will feature workshops for lay leaders, clergy, altar guild members, choir directors and seminary students.

Leading the conference will be theologian and teacher Marva J. Dawn, Paul R. Nelson, the Rev. Karen M. Ward and Scott C. Weidler.

The cost, including meals and lodging, is $145. For more information, contact Fran Burnford, Southern California West Synod, at (213) 387-8183.

Las Vegas Night Fund-Raiser

* The Westlake Church of Religious Science invites the community to a Las Vegas night fund-raiser Friday at the church.


Proceeds will go to the church’s new building fund.

The 8 p.m. event costs $25 at the door and will feature games of chance, raffle tickets, snacks, prizes and a no-host bar.

Tickets purchased in advance are $20. For details, call 495-0105. The church is at 2649 Townsgate Road, No. 500.

Church Plans Family Barbecues

* St. Paschal Baylon Catholic Church of Thousand Oaks will hold a summer outreach dinner and fund-raiser called “Friday Family Gourmet Barbecue” on several Friday evenings on the church grounds. Everyone is welcome.

The barbecue will offer a variety of entrees and side dishes at reasonable prices, available to take out or eat on the premises. The barbecues will be from 5 to 7:30 p.m. Friday and July 31, then every Friday through Sept. 11.

Steaks, fish and chicken dinners, hot dogs and beverages will be on the menu.

The barbecue team works in tandem with the charitable group People to People, which has served thousands of meals to local needy and homeless people.

“We hope this will encourage a return to the family meal and help raise money for, and community consciousness of, some of the outreach programs to the needy in which St. Paschal Baylon participates,” said Msgr. Joseph George, pastor.


St. Paschal Baylon is at 155 E. Janss Road. For information, call 496-0222.

Models Sought for Church Benefit

* Community volunteers and aspiring models are invited to try out for modeling roles at Ventura’s College United Methodist Church autumn gala fashion show and fund-raiser July 18.

The fashion show is scheduled Sept. 19.

“Breaking from fund-raising tradition, the churchwill stage a cutting-edge, high-fashion entertainment gala to benefit its programs, including youth activities,” said show organizer Dale Ecker-Gordon.

Nonprofessional male and female models, ages 7 and older, are encouraged to audition. Training will be provided for those who have never modeled.

Tickets for September’s catered fashion show are $35 per couple, $20 single and $10 for children younger than 12.

Clothing merchants interested in featuring their fall lines at the show are encouraged to call Ecker-Gordon.

The church is at 16 Baylor Drive. For details on audition requirements or the September fashion show and benefit, call 647-1882.


Buddhists Host Obon Celebration

* The Oxnard Buddhist Church will hold its 43rd annual Obon Festival on July 18 on church grounds.

“Obon is a time for rejoicing for all Buddhists,” said the Rev. Kakei Nakagawa. The community is invited to join in the celebration and attend in kimonos, yukata or happi coats.

At this annual midsummer event, Oriental dinners and desserts will be served, Japanese art and sports will be on exhibit and Obon dancing will begin at 6 p.m.

Taiko, or Japanese drumming, groups will perform at 3, 5 and 7 p.m. Games and prizes for youngsters will be featured throughout the festival, which runs from 1 to 9 p.m.

The church is at 250 South H St. For information on the festival, call the church at 483-5948.

Free Concert by Gospel Singer

* The community is invited to a free concert featuring South African gospel singer Manuel Escorcio at Ojai Valley Community Church on July 19.


Escorcio has received numerous musical awards in South Africa. He sang as a tenor in more than 40 operas in Cape Town in recent years.

Escorcio also sings gospel songs fluently in six languages.

The concert begins at 7 p.m. at the church, 907 El Centro St., Ojai. For more information, call 646-4324.

Lutheran Invitation to Service

* Young people who are interested in a church vocation can explore a variety of options at the seventh annual Invitation to Service at Cal Lutheran University from July 23-25.

The costs is $95, and the event is open to young adults from Region II of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. For more information, call Linda LeBlanc at 493-3936.


Religion Briefs run each Saturday. Please address items, with a publishable telephone number, to Religion Briefs, Los Angeles Times, 93 S. Chestnut St., Ventura 93001.
