
Chamber to ‘Adopt’ Local Fire Station 104

The Winnetka Chamber of Commerce is making plans to “adopt” Los Angeles Fire Station 104 in order to help make improvements.

The station is the first to be adopted in the Valley, according to Ali Sar, a spokesman for Los Angeles City Councilman Hal Bernson.

“This is a great idea,” he said. “The chamber’s idea is to raise funds for equipment and supplies not budgeted for the fire station.”


The chamber is planning to donate two tables for the station’s computers and a dishwasher. Eventually, the chamber would like to raise about $5,000 to purchase a diesel exhaust fan which would remove toxic fumes from the garage after the fire engine exits the station.

“We noticed that the city allowed volunteer groups to form to support police divisions, but we hadn’t seen that happening for fire stations,” chamber President Ruth Richter said.

Richter said an adoption ceremony will be held Aug. 3.
