
Driver Arrested After Police Are Led in Low-Speed Chase

A low-speed odyssey began Wednesday in Hollywood, moved to the San Gabriel Valley and ended with the arrest in Hancock Park of a motorist whom police pursued for 2 1/2 hours.

Several times during the pursuit, the driver of the pickup slowed down and talked with officers, only to drive off again, said Officer Eduardo Funes of the Los Angeles Police Department.

At one point, the suspect--identified as Timothy Yip Matias of Monterey Park--requested water, Funes said, and an officer gave him some. Matias finally stopped a few blocks east of La Brea Avenue and was arrested without incident at 3:45 p.m.


The chase began about 1:15 p.m. when officers in Hollywood unsuccessfully tried to stop Matias for a suspected traffic violation.

From Hollywood, Matias got on the southbound Hollywood Freeway and proceeded to Alhambra, driving erratically and getting off and on the freeway repeatedly, Funes said. The suspect drove at or below the speed limit during the pursuit.

Police are investigating whether the truck was stolen and whether Matias tried to run over an officer during the pursuit.
