
State Web Site Offers Home Insurance Help

Daryl Strickland covers real estate for The Times. He can be reached at (714) 966-5670, and at [email protected]

For those who have had trouble obtaining homeowners or renters insurance, there may be help from an unlikely source--the state government. The California Department of Insurance has created a free Web site designed to make shopping for insurance easier on the information highway.

The Web site, at, allows users to compare homeowners, condominium, renters and earthquake insurance premiums among insurers representing more than 90% of the state’s market.

The site compares more than prices, though. It provides financial data on various insurers to give consumers a better sense of a company’s solvency. Also, consumers can look up individual insurance agents to see whether the state has taken any enforcement action against them.


“Many comparisons simply focus on price, but [this] site encourages consumers to consider levels of service and claims-paying ability as well,” said state Insurance Commissioner Chuck Quackenbush.

Those without access to the Internet can receive comparisons through the mail. Call the department’s consumer hotline at (800) 927-HELP.
