
Firms Press for Pentagon Information

Bloomberg News

Lockheed Martin Corp. and Northrop Grumman Corp. asked a federal judge to force the Defense Department to reveal classified information the government used in challenging their proposed combination. In a court filing, the companies argued they need the documents to defend themselves against allegations Lockheed’s $10.8-billion purchase of Northrop violated federal antitrust laws. The government documents describe the product markets where competition allegedly would be harmed by the defense contractors’ combination. Lockheed Martin and Northrop said if they are denied the data, the related charges should be dismissed or the Justice Department lawsuit, filed March 23, should be thrown out altogether. “Without that information, the court cannot make an informed decision,” the companies said in papers filed July 2. Pentagon documents have become central in the case, as the federal government is the only buyer of weapons and other defense-related goods. That makes it the only one with knowledge of upcoming bidding for defense contracts and what companies are likely to win them.
