
Latest Headache for Apria: Probe of Its Billing Practices


Struggling Apria Healthcare Group Inc. said Wednesday that federal prosecutors in Sacramento have demanded documents on the company’s billing practices over the last three years.

Apria, the nation’s largest provider of home health care services, said it received six subpoenas from the U.S. attorney’s office, which is seeking documents from the company’s headquarters in Costa Mesa as well as from offices in San Diego, Sacramento and Canonsburg, Pa.

Apria becomes the latest health care company to be targeted in the federal government’s continuing hunt for possible fraud in publicly funded health plans. The government inquiry adds another headache for a company already in turmoil.


“We weren’t thrilled to get the subpoena,” said Robert Holcombe, senior vice president and general counsel. “It’s an administrative burden.”

The government is investigating Apria’s billing practices with Medicare, Medicaid and other federally funded health care programs, which last year accounted for $460 million--39% of the company’s total revenue, Holcombe said.

Investigators use subpoenas to gather evidence for possible civil or criminal proceedings, and could be pursuing either in this case, Holcombe said.


The company will comply with the federal request, he said. “We have all those documents. We feel good about what they say,” he said. “At the moment, we don’t have any reason to be concerned about any major problem.”

The investigation is a joint effort by the Department of Health and Human Services and the Department of Justice, said a representative of the investigator general’s office of Health and Human Services.

Justice Department officials wouldn’t comment.

After its announcement Wednesday, Apria’s stock dropped to a 52-week low of $5.63 a share in heavy trading on the New York Stock Exchange, then rallied somewhat to close at $6.13, down 81 cents for the day. More than 1 million shares were traded, compared with a daily average of 298,363 for the last three months.


In the last year, the company has been beset by turnover in the boardroom and executive suite, and big financial losses.

Apria posted an unexpectedly deep loss of $272.6 million, or $5.30 a share, last year, compared with income of $33.3 million, or 64 cents, the prior year.

Revenue remained flat at $1.18 billion.

The government also has launched other inquiries in the industry, including a nationwide probe into the billing practices of hospital giant Columbia/HCA Healthcare Corp.

Holcombe said the subpoenas give Apria a September deadline for producing documents, which are so voluminous that they might fill several filing cabinets.

He said the inquiry involves billing practices since Apria was formed three years ago from the merger of two Orange County rivals, Homedco Group Inc. and Abbey Healthcare Group Inc.

Among other things, the investigation is checking to make sure company files contain required backup documents for its reimbursement claims submitted to federal health plans, Holcombe said.


Investigators seek proof that physicians ordered the company’s services, that patients received what was ordered, and that the company’s personnel are receiving adequate training, he said.

He said the subpoenas are unrelated to a federal lawsuit the company settled last year.

That lawsuit, in Atlanta, alleged that, before the merger, Homedco made kickbacks to medical providers in Georgia and Florida in exchange for patient referrals.

Apria agreed to pay $1.65 million to the government to settle the Atlanta case. The company admitted no wrongdoing.

A grand jury in Atlanta looked into possible criminal activity in that case but didn’t file charges and dropped its investigation, Holcombe said.


Unhealthy Trend

Apria Healthcare shares hit a 52-week low of $5.63 Wednesday but recovered to close at $6.25. That price, though, is still less than half the 1998 high of $14.10, reached in February. Weekly closings and Wednesday’s final price:

High on Feb. 13: $14.10

July 8: $6.13

Source: Bloomberg News
