
Air Bag Removal

* Re “L.A. Air Bag Thieves May Be Popping Up in East County,” July 1.

Keeping our vehicles in safe locations when possible to avoid air bag theft certainly is good advice by The Times. What I don’t understand is the reasoning for giving complete instructions for the removal of air bags, including the safe way to do the job, even including pictures and possible customers to purchase the stolen bags.

I don’t think the Freedom of Information Act requires news organizations, as part of their public service, to give detailed information to the public on how to commit profitable crimes if they are so inclined.

To publish this type of information is to give more airheads the idea and instructions they may have been looking for. How will that serve the public?


If I have missed the journalistic value of this article, I would like to hear what that could possibly be.


Thousand Oaks
