
Heritage Status for River

* Re “Santa Clara River Denied Federal Heritage Designation,” June 17.

California Citrus Mutual has been monitoring and, when appropriate, engaging in discussions regarding the designation of rivers for inclusion in the American Heritage Rivers Initiative. Our members farm on more than 95,000 acres throughout the state, and water is a vital component in the effort to produce California’s bountiful and nutritious citrus crops.

We believe Congressman Howard P. “Buck” McKeon responded appropriately to an effort that is setting a bad precedent when it comes to implementing public policy. It is very rare when government passes an edict without public involvement and yet that is exactly what happened with the development of the American Heritage Rivers Initiative. It is a well-intended effort that is fraught with public policy implications.

River activists are naturally disappointed that the Santa Clara River was removed from the list of nominees. But had they engaged in an effort to involve all parties potentially impacted by the designation, perhaps the river might have remained on the list or they would have recognized those impacts of a negative sort were greater than envisioned.


Our experience with government has led us to conclude that for every action, there is a reaction. For every seemingly positive step, there is an adverse impact in some manner. These types of issues are not black and white, so the benefits must be thoroughly evaluated in context with the consequences. Those impacted must have a role in the final decision--not some obscure government agency that avoids a public decision-making process.

Believe me, we’re not enamored with the prospect of more development. That too places excessive demands on a finite water supply. We are interested in public dialogue that leads to sound public policy. This initiative, on more than one front, is not a result of good public policy.

The fact that Congressman McKeon submitted a letter and urged greater local discussion is what developing good public policy is all about.




California Citrus Mutual

