
Discipline System for L.A. Officers

Re “What a Difference a Chief Makes,” editorial, June 28:

The Los Angeles Police Protective League does not condone unprofessional behavior by police officers. We support the need for a strong and fair disciplinary system. Beyond that, we are entitled to disagree with Chief Bernard Parks over what constitutes a “fair and impartial” disciplinary system.

The league has not been “frightened” by Parks’ zero-tolerance policy; rather, we have been motivated to action by his denigration of the board of rights system. His propensity for intimidation and meddling in the decisions made by command officers undermines a system in which the triers of fact are required by law to make decisions based on the evidence. His interference with the process has made a mockery of the board of rights system. The Police Protective League is advocating an alternative system in which a hearing can be held and a decision rendered based on the evidence, free from political and personal considerations.

Police officers should be treated with at least the same level of fairness and justice that all other city employees receive. We are only asking for what other city employees, including firefighters, have available to them--an independent review of disciplinary decisions. We do not advocate an appeal to the Civil Service Commission; instead, we are advocating an appeal to an independent arbitrator.



Los Angeles Police

Protective League
