
Prop. 103

The Times’ June 26 editorial (“Quit Stalling on Prop. 103”) conveniently ignores important factors in the debate surrounding Prop. 103 and the interpretations of its implementation. Foremost is the fact that California auto insurance rates are continually dropping for the first time in decades. Rates are down 5.5% across California, and as high as 17% in some urban areas.

The sad fact about the recent ruling is that it will affect a majority of Californians in a negative way. Any change to the current auto class plans will once again raise insurance rates, making insurance more costly for many California drivers.

The new automobile insurance regulations are in full legal compliance with Prop. 103. Tossing them out will only serve to harm Californians who are on the brink of even lower rates as marketplace competition and anti-fraud enforcement actions take hold. The ruling does not help Californians achieve better insurance rates. In fact, it does just the opposite.



Assistant Commissioner

California Dept. of Insurance

