
15 Accidents Logged Over Holiday Period

Fifteen traffic accidents occurred on Ventura County roads during the Fourth of July holiday weekend, and California Highway Patrol officers made 25 drunk-driving arrests, authorities reported on Monday.

Five of the 15 accidents resulted in injuries, and a total of 11 people were treated at local hospitals, the CHP reported.

The only fatal accident occurred Saturday, when the car of a 33-year-old Camarillo man overturned on a remote stretch of California 34, authorities said.


The number of accidents was down compared with last year’s holiday weekend, when the CHP reported about 25 accidents over a three-day period.

Because the Fourth of July fell on a Saturday this year, authorities tracked accidents from 6 p.m. Friday to 12 a.m. Monday.

Authorities were encouraged that none of the accidents appeared to involve drunk driving. The CHP credited aggressive patrolling and a drunk-driving awareness campaign before the weekend.


“I think we got the message out that we were going to be out in full force” to help prevent drunk driving, CHP Officer Steven Reid said.
