
$27.3-Million Budget Includes Street Repair

City officials have adopted a budget that calls for increased spending on street improvements.

The projects, ranging from street repaving to storm drain repair, are part of the city’s image improvement. Each year, officials dedicate more money for such projects.

More than 60% of the $27.3-million budget for fiscal 1998-99, however, will be spent on public safety, including fire and police services.


The budget also calls for outside contracts for street-sweeping and tree-trimming services. Streets will be swept every week, rather than twice a month. Because a number of tree trimmer and street sweeper jobs are vacant, no jobs will be lost, officials said. Instead the city’s three tree trimmers will do park maintenance. The city’s lone street sweeper will serve as an on-call worker to cover areas that normally are not swept, such as parking lots and drainage areas.
