
Rising Dollar Value

I was seeking a simple but good-quality item for my kitchen. After shopping at other stores, I found what I wanted at the discount retailer Dollar General. Months later, a television program featured a stock picker recommending the stock. I bought some shares, but not just on that single recommendation. I’ve studied the company’s progress, reviewed analyst research and attended the instructive and efficient annual shareholder meetings. Oh yes, I’m a regular shopper there too. All these activities have been necessary in order for this to become my smartest investment.

--Jule Moon, Fairhope, Ala.


The Fool Responds: We put little stock in guru prognostications and are glad to see that you didn’t just act on the recommendation. (After all, one rarely learns the track record of these “buy,” “sell” and “hold” advisors.) By researching the company, you took responsibility for your investment. Dollar General Corp. shares have advanced about 190% in the last three years.


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The Motley Fool was founded by brothers Tom and David Gardner in 1994 as a place where investors could meet on America Online. Now it offers a Web site with an expanded variety of educational materials and advice. It can be seen at The Gardners create this feature.
