
Hollywood Walk of Fame

I was disappointed to read Patt Morrison’s June 24 column attacking the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce and its administration of the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

Sidney Poitier does have a star on the Walk of Fame. Jodie Foster has never been nominated for a star. Our committee would be happy to consider Foster, but cannot do so if an application is not submitted.

To receive a Walk of Fame star is an honor--not an awards competition. Why present a star to someone who is not even willing to attend the ceremony? There are hundreds of worthy recipients who are willing to accept the honor. We arrange the ceremonies around the schedules of our recipients. Quite often, the star wants to hold the ceremony in conjunction with the release of a movie or album. So what? The fee, which covers the costs associated with the ceremony, is paid for by a sponsor (usually a studio or fan club).


It is regrettable that Morrison would take cheap shots at Johnny Grant. The Walk of Fame was created to generate positive publicity for Los Angeles and Hollywood, and that is what Johnny does. His services are donated. At the time Johnny took over as chairman of the Walk of Fame, it was in a state of decline. Johnny deserves the lion’s share of credit for building the Walk of Fame into an international icon.

Finally, Morrison is dredging up old news about the chamber and the attorney general. The final judgment was that the chamber should have paid interest on a loan that it took and later repaid from the Sign Trust. The chamber agreed to pay back the interest. This has been done.


Hollywood Chamber of Commerce


What a joy it is to start the day with a big laugh. I certainly enjoyed one when I read Morrison’s recent attempt at serious investigative journalism, with her blast at the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce and yours truly. As a result I would like to pass along the following comments:


Morrison followed the philosophy of her alma mater, the Nudelman School of Journalism, whose motto is “Never let the truth get in the way of a good hatchet job.”

I understand Morrison wears those big silly hats in her attempt to emulate The Times’ late columnist, Hedda Hopper. Please inform Morrison that it’s what’s under the hat that counts.

I understand Morrison also makes appearances on TV. She must use most of her energy on that career, because it is pretty obvious she doesn’t use much of it on her research for what she writes in her columns. I hope I’m still around if and when her nomination comes in for a Walk of Fame star in the television category. That will be the day I enjoy a really big laugh.


I realize the above comments are absolute nonsense and make no social contribution whatsoever.

One positive thing did come from the column. It generated several telephone calls and as a result I am now in touch with two former girlfriends, a classmate from North Carolina and several buddies from my World War II days.


