
What to See and Do Around Southern California

Friday 3


* AUTO RACING: Dwarf Car Nationals, Ventura Raceway, 7 p.m.

* MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL: Oakland at Angels, Edison Field, 7:30 p.m.

* MINOR LEAGUE BASEBALL: Rancho Cucamonga at Lancaster, 7 p.m.; High Desert at San Bernardino, 7 p.m.

* HORSE RACING: Thoroughbreds, Hollywood Park, featuring $58,000 Ryafan Handicap, first post 7 p.m.; quarter horses, Los Alamitos, first post 7:15 p.m.


* RUNNING: The Palisades-Will Rogers 5K and 10K charity runs will be held today at Pacific Palisades at 8 a.m. Late registration begins at 6:30 a.m. at the Palisades Recreation Center. Details: (310) 578-8877.


Saturday 4


* AUTO RACING: SCRA sprint cars, Perris Auto Speedway, 7 p.m.; Dwarf Car Nationals, Ventura Raceway, 7 p.m.; street stocks, Victorville Raceway, 7 p.m.; spec trucks, destruction derby, Cajon Speedway, El Cajon, 7 p.m.

* MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL: Oakland at Angels, Edison Field, 6 p.m.

* MINOR LEAGUE BASEBALL: San Bernardino at Lake Elsinore, 7 p.m.; Visalia at Rancho Cucamonga, 7:15 p.m.

* HORSE RACING: Thoroughbreds, Hollywood Park, featuring $150,000 American Handicap and $300,000 Beverly Hills Handicap, first post 1 p.m.; quarter horses, Los Alamitos, first post 6:30 p.m.


* SOCCER: Kansas City at Galaxy, Rose Bowl, 7 p.m.

Sunday 5


* MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL: Oakland at Angels, Edison Field, 1 p.m.

* MINOR LEAGUE BASEBALL: Visalia at Rancho Cucamonga, 2:15 p.m.; San Bernardino at Lake Elsinore, 5 p.m.

* HORSE RACING: Thoroughbreds, Hollywood Park, featuring $100,000 Landaluce Stakes, first post 1 p.m.; quarter horses, Los Alamitos, first post 6:30 p.m.


About This Listing

On Fridays, The Times publishes a sampling of Southland participatory events on a space-available basis. To submit your event, send a fax with the date, location and time of competition to (213) 237-7876 or write to Sports Weekend, Sports Department, Los Angeles Times, Times Mirror Square, Los Angeles, CA, 90053. Only events with date-of-competition registration will be accepted.
