
City Files Appeal Against Development

In an unusual move that could lead the city into another lawsuit, Thousand Oaks Planning Director Phil Gatch has filed an appeal of the approval of four tracts in the Dos Vientos housing development.

The appeal, filed late Wednesday, will give the City Council a chance to reverse an earlier decision that granted Dos Vientos developer Arlen Miller the right to build the final four tracts in the massive development.

The council voted in 1996 to reject 16 homes in the 2,350-unit development, but that decision was reversed by a court ruling. The Planning Commission last week approved the last piece of the project with those 16 homes intact.


Dos Vientos officials have threatened to sue if the 16 homes are eliminated from the development.

The Planning Department earlier recommended approval of the measure it has now appealed, a situation that planner Jon Shepherd said was not unprecedented.

Critics of the development’s traffic study say they have filed their own paperwork in an attempt to take part in the appeal.
