
Takasugi to Undergo Heart Bypass Surgery

Assemblyman Nao Takasugi, who suffered a heart attack last week, will have to undergo heart bypass surgery later this summer, according to his aides.

Takasugi, a Republican who represents the area from Thousand Oaks to Oxnard, was released from a Sacramento hospital Tuesday, a week after suffering a heart attack during his morning exercises a block from his apartment.

“We saw him [Wednesday], he piled through and got cards and things from his desk,” said Julia King, Takasugi’s chief of staff. “He wants to come back, but we told him to take it easy for a while.”


The 76-year-old former Oxnard mayor apparently fainted during one of his customary brisk morning walks June 22 after suffering a blockage of one of his arteries.

Takasugi, who is finishing the last months of his term, cannot seek reelection because of term limits.
