
Harbor Blvd. Ramps on I-5 South to Close

Motorists driving the southbound Santa Ana Freeway won’t be able to use the Harbor Boulevard ramps beginning Monday.

The southbound on- and offramps will be closed for about 13 months for freeway widening work. The northbound ramps at Harbor Boulevard closed in June.

The boulevard is a key exit for visitors to Disneyland and the surrounding resort area. Alternative routes to tourist areas will be posted along the freeway.


Southbound motorists can use the Ox/Ball roads ramp instead of Harbor. A temporary onramp at Ox Road will open for motorists on Harbor wishing to travel southbound on the freeway. The ramp will open Monday morning just north of Ball Road.

A southbound onramp also is available at Freedman Way.

The ramp work is part of the $1.1-billion plan to improve the freeway through Orange, Anaheim, Buena Park and Fullerton. Other features include car-pool lanes. Information: (949) 724-2077.
