
Firefighters Quickly Stop Apartment Blaze

A man suffered minor injuries Wednesday when a fire broke out in his second-story Monrovia Avenue apartment.

The victim, whose name was not reported, was awakened at 1:41 a.m. by smoke and fire coming from his living room. No one else was home, said Costa Mesa Fire Battalion Chief Jim Ellis.

The man rushed downstairs and knocked on his landlord’s door. The manager called for help and firefighters arrived in four minutes, Ellis said.


“Through an aggressive interior attack they were able to keep the fire in the living room area,” Ellis said.

The victim was examined at Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian in Newport Beach.

“He was OK but became nauseated, which is normal for someone who inhales a lot of smoke,” Ellis said.

Though the cause is under investigation, Ellis said firefighters suspect a cigarette amber caused the fire, which began on the living room couch.


No other units were damaged.
