
Dawidoff on Gay Pride

Re “Life, Liberty, Pursuit of Happiness--Gay or Straight,” Commentary, June 26: We were delighted that you published the article by Robert Dawidoff. As parents of five children, one of whom is gay, we feel that our gay son is entitled to the same rights and freedoms that our other children enjoy. He and his partner have lived together for 23 years and are the parents of an adopted child. Our son operates a good business and pays taxes like everyone else, and like everyone else, he should have the right to legally marry the one he loves.

We cannot understand those arrogant people who have decided that a heterosexual lifestyle must be imposed on everyone and that they have a monopoly on morality. The American way is respect for diversity with the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.


Los Angeles

* In his list of “historically memorable people who were lesbian, gay or bisexual,” Dawidoff neglects to mention the most memorable: William Shakespeare. Based on the fact that most of his love sonnets are directed toward a young man and some of his most passionate and convincing characters in love are men in love with men--I’m thinking in particular of the two Antonios in “The Merchant of Venice” and “Twelfth Night”--many would say the Bard was bisexual, at least in his heart.



Sherman Oaks
