
Councilman Assails Schools’ Use of Bond Funds to Hire Managers

City Councilman Paul Little said Wednesday that the Pasadena Unified School District board has violated its promise not to use any of a $240-million bond issue approved by voters in November to add bureaucrats.

The school board recently approved a budget that includes $350,000 annually for five extra administrators to oversee campus construction to be financed by the bond issue.

“We were told fairly clearly that the school district wouldn’t use bond proceeds to fatten their bureaucracy; now they have gone back on that,” said Little, who campaigned for the bond issue. “There is a credibility problem with leadership of the district. They are breaking faith with the people on this bond issue.”


District spokeswoman Betsy Richman said the five positions were created on the recommendation of a citizen oversight committee, which said the positions were needed to ensure that the projects occur as planned.

“The funds that Mr. Little is questioning are being used to administer a $240-million construction and renovation project that will occur over 12 years,” she said. “Anyone who knows anything about major construction and renovation projects and has experience with them knows you must have dedicated staff with experience to ensure the money is spent wisely.”

Little questioned whether such work should be done by existing employees in the facilities management division.
