
Child-Care Center Loses License Over Repeat Violations

The license of a controversial day-care center that was cited on numerous occasions by the California Department of Social Services has been revoked.

Faith Family Child Care, at 4150 Madison Ave., was closed down for violations that included running two unlicensed facilities and caring for more than the permitted number of children, said Susan Neeson, a licensing program analyst with the department.

When investigators visited one of the centers run by Carla Marie and James Faith in April, they found hazardous materials in the frontyard, including building materials, tools, cactus plants and an unfenced spa, officials said.


After they were denied entrance to the residence, they found two staff members rushing down a back alley with 31 children between the ages of 18 months and 4 years. The center was licensed to care for 12 children, Neilson said.

The Faiths must wait two years to reapply for a day-care license, she added.
