
O.C. Test-Marketers Targeting Phoenix

E. Scott Reckard covers tourism for The Times. He can be reached at (714) 966-7407 and at [email protected]

The Orange County Tourism Council, looking for a bigger bite of travel dollars, is about to test-market a plan to give away trips to Orange County.

And the lucky city is: Phoenix, in July, a time when the city’s residents are probably thinking that anywhere is cooler than home.

Fifteen trips for couples will be given away during the four-week promotion in partnership with America West Airlines and Phoenix’s KTAR radio station. The three-day, two-night packages include rooms, meals and a choice of attractions.


Diane Baker, head of the Tourism Council’s marketing committee, said more giveaways are in the works. Next up: luring Northern Californians to Orange County next spring in a promotion with Southwest Airlines.
