
Bucking the Bang


Hoorah for that glorious Fourth, when the bottle-rockets’ red glare and the cherry bombs bursting in air swell our hearts with national pride and our emergency rooms with toasted patriots.

Oh, say, can you see . . . a salute to the red, white and blue that doesn’t include explosives? It might seem a revolutionary idea, but it’s essential for parents of small celebrators who might get rattled by the kabooms and commotion of pyrotechnic displays.

A quick scan around the county turned up lots of festivities that sound ideal for a fireworks-free Fourth.


Be aware that some of these parades and parties conclude with fireworks, so prepare to duck out early if you need to.

And keep in mind that this can also be a learning opportunity, because a few of the events that follow teach history and patriotism. Wouldn’t it be nice for kids to know what all this God-bless-America fuss is about in the first place?

(Note: unless otherwise noted, all events listed are held on Saturday.)

History Lessons

* At 11 a.m., bells will ring out over Mission San Juan Capistrano 13 times, recalling the moment the Liberty Bell tolled the union of 13 states into a new nation. An Olde Fashioned Fourth includes speeches, poetry recitations and patriotic music performed by costumed Spanish soldiers and Revolutionary War figures.


Mission San Juan Capistrano (Ortega Highway and Camino Capistrano). 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Free with mission admission: (949) 720-0526 or (949) 248-2048.

* One if by land, two if by sea, three if by carpool . . . however they’re getting there, the Redcoats are sure to cause a ruckus when they invade the Richard Nixon Library & Birthplace this weekend.

Reenactors playing British soldiers and American colonists will skirmish on the library’s manicured lawns, chat with visitors and demonstrate the rugged life of Revolutionary War encampments. (Don’t forget to cover Junior’s ears when the muskets are fired; they pack a wallop.) Guests can learn to shake a leg, Colonist-style or listen to historical tales.


Richard Nixon Library & Birthplace, 18001 Yorba Linda Blvd., Yorba Linda. Saturday and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Free with library admission: $2 to $5.95; ages 7 and under free. (714) 993-5075.

* In Santa Ana, the Bowers Kidseum hosts its 4th of July Americana Festival from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., with American music and tales, art projects and food. Kidseum is at 1802 N. Main St., Santa Ana. Free with museum admission: $2 to $6; under 5 free. (714) 480-1520.

Fun for All

* It’s time for Snoopy’s Red, White and Cool Summer at Knott’s Berry Farm. Highlights include this weekend’s opening of “Snoopy’s America on Ice” and Camp Snoopy’s new ride, Woodstock’s Airmail.

Knott’s introduces interactive Camp Snoopy Sidewalk Theater; youngsters can take part in musical skits with Peanuts characters, and Peanuts Playhouse U.S.A., a “behind-the-scenes” hangout for the Peanuts gang. Free T-shirts or souvenir drink cups for kids too.

Knott’s Berry Farm (8039 Beach Blvd., Buena Park) $12.50 to $25 for Southern California residents through Sept. 7. (714) 220-5200.

* Dunk a mayor, celebrate freedom at the Discovery Museum’s Old Fashioned Fourth of July party. The event kicks off at 5 p.m. on the grounds of the turn-of-the-century Kellogg House. It includes old-fashioned children’s games such as an egg toss, tug-of-war and pie-eating contest, plus a silent auction and the chance to dunk Santa Ana Mayor Miguel A. Pulido Jr. and other city brass in a tank of chilly H2O.


Discovery Museum of Orange County, 3101 W. Harvard. St., Santa Ana. $8 each or $25 for family of four. Advance purchase required. (714) 540-0404.

* Newport Dunes Resort offers live music, dancing, carnival games, face painting and competitions in everything from horseshoes to Hula-Hoops and, later, fireworks over the bay. $20 per car. 1131 Backbay Drive, Newport Beach. (949) 862-4334.

* For just $5 a head, you can chow down on barbecue, take part in a chili cookoff or cake contest, groove on country and gospel music and let the kids frolic at the Salvation Army’s Old Fashioned Country Fair. Held Sunday from 4 to 7 p.m., 10200 Pioneer Road, Tustin. (714) 832-7100.

Parades Plus

* The 94th Annual Huntington Beach 4th of July Parade features celebrities Jose Solano of “Baywatch” and Patrick Warburton (Puddy of “Seinfeld”), plus marching bands, floats, equestrian units and more. The parade starts at 10 a.m. at Main Street and Pecan and travels north on Main. (714) 374-1535.

* In Lake Forest, there’s a 10 a.m. parade featuring the Third Marine Aircraft Wing Band. It steps off from the corner of Toledo and Ridge Route. (949) 461-3453.

* In Newport Beach, the Mariner’s Parade and Picnic begins with a kids bike parade at 10 a.m. at the corner of Mariner’s and Highland drives, followed by entertainment, games and barbecue till about 2 p.m. in adjacent Mariner’s Park. (949) 644-3151.


* The Canyon Hills Community Council’s 10th annual parade down Santa Ana Canyon Road in Anaheim Hills starts at 3 p.m. from Canyon Hills High School (Imperial Highway and Santa Ana Canyon Road). At the school at 10:30 a.m.: the Yankee Doodle Dog Show. (714) 765-5191.
