
UC Regents to Review Research Park Plan

UC Irvine is moving closer to the development of a major university research park.

After consultations with the Academic Senate and others, Chancellor Laurel L. Wilkening has asked the University of California Board of Regents to review a proposal for leasing about 85 acres of undeveloped campus land to the Irvine Co. to help UCI develop its portion of the park.

The regents gave UC President Richard C. Atkinson the authority to sign a lease agreement when all terms are finalized.

The university and the Irvine Co. have been in discussions since June 1997. A final agreement is not expected for several months.


“We are very enthusiastic about the research park’s potential for building the types of public-private partnerships that have helped make UCI a leading research university and an important engine of economic growth in Orange County,” Wilkening said.
